Welcome to CITAB

The scope of CITAB is focused on the agro-food and forestry systems using the production-chain approach as a whole. It is composed of a multidisciplinary team with expertise ranging from fundamental sciences such as biology and chemistry to agronomists, forestry engineers and ecologists.

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XVII Passeio Fotográfico da Quinta da Alagoa 2024

Evento conta com uma miniconferência científica onde participarão vários ...

Climate Change Implications on the Viticulture Geography

Researchers from CITAB contributed to a chapter in the book "Advances in Bota...

A escassez de água em análise

Seminário “Segurança Hídrica, Agricultura e Degradação Ambiental num C...

Seminário Sustainable Agrifood Production

Iniciativa do Inov4Agro - Laboratório Associado

Raquel Fernandes procura novas terapias para o cancro da ...

Investigadora falou ao 90 Segundos de Ciência

Café Talks com Ana Barros

Iniciativa do Projeto Wasteless

Seminário Internacional de Qualidade do Ar da UTAD

Dia Nacional do Ar será lembrado neste evento

XVII Encontro de Química dos Alimentos

O evento vai decorrer na cidade de Vila Real

Árvores – Para a Sociedade e uma Ecologia do Futuro

Artigo de opinião - João P. Fidalgo Carvalho

Luis Félix entrevistado para o 90 Segundos de Ciência

O stress de animais em aquacultura foi o destaque do programa

Seminário Segurança Hídrica, Agricultura e Degradaçã...

Evento vai debater os desafios atuais inerentes à gestão dos recursos hídr...

Ana Paula Silva esclareceu o Público acerca destas árvo...

A floração das cerejeiras em análise

Estamos todos ligados

Artigo de opinião - Paulo Travassos

Seminário Sustainable Agrifood Production

Quarta sessão acontece já na próxima semana

Sandra Monteiro no 90 Segundos de Ciência

Antena 1 quis saber mais sobre a utilização do peixe-zebra no estudo do sis...

A água no futuro. Investigação em ambiente empresarial

Quatro projetos do CITAB estarão em destaque neste evento

II Semana da Agricultura da UTAD

CITAB está a dar apoio ao evento

Leguminosas como solução para alimentar o futuro

Artigo de opinião - Márcia Carvalho

Os impactos das alterações climáticas em destaque

Teresa Freitas é a convidada do segundo episódio do Harvesting Knowledge

Ana Coimbra no 90 Segundos de Ciência

Antena 1 veio à UTAD conhecer a investigação do CITAB

Poda da Vinha

Workshop vai ser ministrado pela investigadora Ana Oliveira

Sustainable Agrifood Production Seminars

Two more presentations from CITAB and GreenUPorto

Cerejas e mirtilos de Trás-os-Montes na Antena 1

90 Segundos de Ciência veio ao CITAB conhecer a investigação nestes frutos

Curso de Apicultura 2024

Coordenação a cargo do investigador Paulo Russo

Alfredo Aires comenta projeto sueco

Investigadores de Linköping, na Suécia, estão a desenvolver o eSoil

CITAB com importante papel em Brumadinho

O impacto do rompimento da barragem nos recursos hídricos tem sido estudado ...

CITAB tem em mãos projeto para melhorar a saúde dos solos

O projeto LivingSoiLL conta com um financiamento global de 12 milhões de euros

CITAB Researchers Among the Most Cited in the World in 2022

This prestigious acknowledgment comes from the latest edition of the "World's...

Latest News

Climate Change Implications on the Viticulture Geography

Researchers from CITAB contributed to a chapter in the book "Advances in Bota...

Inov4Agro OPEN DAY: Fostering Sustainability in Agricultu...

Around 100 participants were present

Junior Researcher Advancing Wildfire Impact Assessment

José Guisuraga, member of CITAB, is one of the researchers who has secured s...

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Thematic Strand 1

Sustainability of Agri-food and Forestry Ecosystems in a changing environment

Mário Santos

Aims to deliver integrated analytical and modelling frameworks to detect agricultural, forestry and ecological changes in rural landscapes. It will integrate natural and social sciences concepts to develop and integrate novel analytical frameworks and tools that contribute to progress in fundamental and applied fields of environmental research (Task 1.1) and ecological sustainability in agri-food and forestry ecosystems (Task 1.2).

Task 1.1

Integrated monitoring of climate and environmental impacts

Task 1.1 aims to (i) develop and apply new analytical technologies to (ii) understand climatic and environmental forcing on target ecosystems under current conditions; (iii) assess future scenarios of climate and environmental change to develop, test and implement suitable mitigation and adaptation measures, such as riparian restoration (e.g. to assess ecosystem service provisioning of green infrastructures) or bioclimatic cultivar adaptation (e.g. crop zonation).

Task 1.2

Sustainability in agri-food and forestry ecosystems

Task 1.2 researchers are experts in multivariate analysis and modelling of impacts of habitat and land use change on terrestrial and aquatic environments, ecosystem services and characterization of agri-food and forestry systems.

Thematic Strand 2

Technology & innovation in Agri-food and Forestry chains for a more competitive bioeconomy

Raul Santos

Aligned with RIS3 policy, Thematic Strand 2 explores innovative approaches to develop and update processes and technologies to crop and food products, biological materials and agri-food residues. TS2 gives added-value to agri-forestry ecosystems, agri-food and forestry products and co-products, boosting regional and national economic growth.

Task 2.1

Innovative technologies and processes

Task 2.1 focuses on a major unit objective - optimization and development of innovative technology for more competitive agri-food and forestry production chains. TS2 optimizes solutions for current and future stakeholders, boosting competitiveness and income by improving food and forestry crop productivity, reducing management costs and increasing profit.

Task 2.2

Valorisation of bio-based products and and co-products

Task 2.2 studies the potential of agri-food and forestry residues, native flora and aromatic and medicinal plants to develop new high bio-based value products.

Highlighted Project

Clim4Vitis - Climate change impact mitigation for European viticulture: knowledge transfer for an integrated approach [GA 810176]

Start Date: 2018/09
Duration: 42 months

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Although among the top 10 Portuguese universities with higher number of top quality scientific papers published, and despite the growing attractiveness that it has been gaining in terms of research and teaching, UTAD is still far from the European high performing R&D institutions. Thus, the Clim4Vitis project aims at enhancing UTAD’s S&T capacity, as well as raising its staff’s research profile, specially focusing one of the fields of research in which the University has become a national reference: viticulture. Within this broad area, particular attention should be given to two main lines of research: 1) grapevine modelling and 2) tools for assessing climate change impacts on European viticulture, in general, and on grapevine productivity, quality attributes and risk of diseases and pests in particular. In order to boost competences in these topics, the project gathers 5 international partners (1 university from a Widening country, 3 internationally-leading research institutions, and an international consultancy & training company).

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