
Monitorização do Rio Cávado - Salamonde II

Monitoring activities carried out under the Protocol to LABELEC, inserted in the program established in Phase RECAPE and Einco respectively in the construction of the Power Boost Use of Salamonde Surge Flooding and Complementary.

The monitoring program established to meet most requirements of the WFD seeking a coherent state of water bodies according to the document published by INAG (2009) which defines the \\\\\\"Criteria for the Classification of the state of surface water bodies - Rivers and Reservoirs. \\\\\\"This program works as a program of self, allowing them to obtain information necessary for optimization of mitigation measures to achieve good status / ecological potential, according to the objectives of Law No. 58/2005 of 29 December and the Decree-Law No. 77/2006 of 30 March

The characterization of ecological status based on fieldwork commencing in May 2011. The study area refers to the segment of the river Cávado (considered heavily modified) Salamonde between the dam, the reservoir and backwaters with reed beds. This segment is of particular importance in terms of landscape and biodiversity. Characterization is based on fish, invertebrates, phytobenthos and macrophyte surveys (WFD compliant elements).

The data will allow comparison against the baseline established in Phase EIA study segment of the river Cávado in the area covered by the project, thus determining the deviation created by the works that are taking place.

Project Details



Start date

May 2011


48 months

Total Financing


CITAB/UTAD Financing


Responsible institution